Monday, September 9, 2013

Summer --Creative Challenge #268--

Some are born to greatness by pure twist of fate

They manage to create marvelous inventions

There is never too much for them on their plates

They receive praise and seldom any criticism


Far too often their names are lost in history

It is quite the thing, never having to fear a stumble

Many are content to live their lives in obscurity

A truly great man is one who knows how to be humble


Stories are told of the world's greatest mathematician

To him mathematics was pure joy, never a bummer

He would marvel people doing huge lists of addition

It was thrilling to watch him; he was a great summer.

Tim D. Culey -2013-
It just doesn’t add up to sit here, go back to Creative Challenge



  1. I never thought of it quite like that! Excellent poem :)

  2. A decidedly different spin on summer!!

    1. I forgot to add......have a great vacation in Hawaii !!

  3. Interesting twist to the ending, nice write.

  4. Here I was thinking...getting to the end and what does this all have to do with summer.....I should have known the last line would deliver summer...though not in a seasonal way!! bravo!

  5. I really love your interpration that is nicely penned, as always!
