It often starts with a simple act of deception
Was it presented as a carefully thought out plan?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
During impending bliss for a woman and a man.
What seemed like a very good idea at the inception
Now leads to a prize you had no wish to win
You wait for months for the grand reception
Learning how to fasten a garment with a safety pin
Did we perhaps engage in a little self-deception?
Should we have used some sort of contraception?
Was it all simply a matter of miscommunication?
Were those promises subject to misinterpretation?
It appears you can neither run nor hide
Do the results put you in a good or bad situation?
Only you know the answer, and you must decide.
A joy or a curse? It’s all a matter of perception.
Tim D. Culey -2013-

Finnian J. Culey September 2013 Three months.