At one time I owned a Thingamajig, it was incredibly sweet
but it never was rotten.
It was so very many years ago and I have searched my mind
for what I have forgotten.
If I remember correctly it had three purple switches, a
green framice and a large gold knob.
His ancestry was uncertain, but he had a distant cousin I think his name was Thingamabob.
He was rather tall, as I recall, my impression was he was
built somewhat strangely
I could never pronounce his name, I repressed it, so I just
called him”Thingy.”
In our later years we became enamored with vocal music and
began singing.
We were quite the rage, a magnificent duet composed of just
me and Thingy.
One day he met a beautiful young creature nibbling coyly on
a fresh picked fig
His heart soared like a hot air balloon and he began to
dance a funny little jig
They fell mad passionately in love, and believe me I don’t mean
They were soon wed and I became the uncle to three new Thingababies.
© Tim D. Culey -2013-