Monday, July 22, 2013

Clear Skies - Creative Challenge #261

Sometimes my mood can be overcast

I really cannot say exactly why

Perhaps my thoughts turn to the past

When that happens I smile and sigh.


My mood is often like the wind

I wait and it changes by and by

My mood is subject to a whim

When that happens I smile and sigh.


I can’t see that it makes any sense

I soon welcome back the Clear Skies.

I return to the present tense

When that happens I smile and sigh.


© Tim D. Culey -2013-



This is a style of poetry called a Kyrielle It is a French form of rhyming poetry written in quatrains (a stanza consisting of 4 lines), and each quatrain contains a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (usually appearing as the last line of each stanza). Each line within the poem consists of only eight syllables. There is no limit to the amount of stanzas a Kyrielle may have, but three is considered the accepted minimum.

Some popular rhyming schemes for a Kyrielle are: aabB, ccbB, ddbB, with B being the repeated line, or abaB, cbcB,

Oh mon ami, what is keeping you from Crearive Challenge?