Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Creative Challenge: Harmony

When I see a tree I didn’t create, I think “Why not leave him be?”

All I want from him is shade and oxygen, so we  
live in harmony.


I witness the fawn with his specked coat so young, beautiful, and free

I don’t need his meat,  I don’t want his fur perhaps we can live in harmony.


I see the children so young playing their games with utmost glee

I have no need to gun them down, please let them all live in harmony.


I see a man with authomatic weapons, though why is a complete mystery

There is no need for these weapons, and I ask that we can live in harmony.


I listen to the orchestra performing great pieces playing notes so beautifully

Some members are playing the lead, others live just  to play the harmony


I hear some people from near and far, Iranian, Palestinian, and Israeli

Most of them want a world of peace so they can live  in harmony.


When we ask our Higher Power, whatever he may be, for personal serenity

Would it be too much to ask for maybe just a little worldwide harmony?



© Tim D. Culey -2013



Happy Mardi Gras!

I've got two King Cakes, about 3 gallons of gumbo, a big pot of Red Beans and Rice, a couple of bottles of Root Beer with foam on top ... lots of "chank-a-chank" music on the stereo, some beads and doubloons to throw around (yesterday in anticipation I swept them up off the floor from last year)

Here is some footage of my very first Mardi Gras .. watch for the guy shaking the tambourine at the 4:36 mark of the video.

Thanks to my cousin Kathy in San Diego for digging this film out of the family archives and to my other cousin Marcus for posting it on You Tube.

Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler!

Link to: Mardi Gras In New Orleans