Britt-Marie, Shane & Finnian Dec 2013

Finnian January 2014

Finnian March 2014 Baton Rouge
Finnian St. Patrick's Day 2014
Finnian Fall of 2013
Finnian Easter 2014
Easter Ham 2014
March 2014 Baton Rouge
April 2014
Easter April 2014
St. Pat's Day 2014
En route to Baton Rouge
March 2014
Finnian in Coquette Pâtisserie
April 2014
Shane & Dad 2 hrs old Oct 1980 Shane & Grandfather
Shane in his BIG BED Shane all dressed up
Finnian's Grandfather
(in red, with whiskers)
Finnian's Dad 1984 or 1985
Finnian's Grandfather
with friend in Haswaii
September 2013
Finnian's Dad and Great-grandmother
Marge Culey 1981
Finnian's Great Grandfather, Giles I. Culey
(on left) and grandfather, Tim D. Culey
July 1967 Clark, S Dak.

Finnian's Dad (on bottom)
( probably 2002
Flinnian's Grandfather Cayman Islands December 2013
Finnian's Grandfathe (L),
Father (C)
Great Grandfather (R)
Summer of 1981
Dennis Culey (Fin's great, great grandfather)
Fox Lake, Wisc.
Fox Lake, Wisc.
Catherine Elizabeth Burns Culey
Wife of Dennis Culey
Comments, correcttions, kudos or brickbats: