The day I returned home to Little Rock (12/25) we had a blizzard and lost all power. It wasn't fully restored until Jan 2nd. Used up a lot of firewood and rediscovered all those things taking up room and gathering dust on my shelves (they are called "books") and learned to read by candlelight and by flashlight.
In some ways it was sort of a welcome change with no TV, no computer, no phone and not even a radio.
The surprising thing is how quickly I adapted, which reinforces my decision that whatever electronic toys I have in my possession now I can live without and consequently will not be "upgrading" every year or so. When they finally die, or the technology no longer exists to fix them I will not replace them.
I took some photos on the trip including this one which I took on a bus in Montego Bay. In some ways it really speaks to the topic of "adapting."