Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Corner -- Creative Challenge 267

He was a man of few words, never a complainer

Life was at full speed, he was not an abstainer

He sang lustfully in the shower, but he was no crooner

Ask him to dinner at eight, and he might show up sooner

When he did arrive it was usually with great hunger.


Among his siblings he became a coparcener

Invested all he had to become a gardener

For the down trodden he became a campaigner

He was always comfortable in the role of the commoner

His smile lit up the room, he was a real grinner.


He hailed from Ireland, and was proud to be a Dubliner

It would be a mistake to ask him if he was a Londoner

He took up pugilism to see if he could be a little meaner

When he took a solid shot to the jaw he felt like a stoner

In pain and humiliation he slowly crawled back to his corner.



Tim D Culey -2013-


Answer the bell and dance on back to Creative Challenge