Thursday, May 16, 2013

Searching....Creative Challenge #251

Creative Challenge … Searching

So often our journey takes us into an unknown area

We fight fiercely against windmills looking for our Dulcinea

Is it merely curiosity that compels us ‘to boldly go?’

Our trek may not include stars, but there are adventures below

Many don suits of rubber to explore the waters of the deep blue sea

They willingly accept the danger and the risk to be all they can be

Some toil for hours with pen, paper or PC at work or at home

Their goal is the creation of the first absolutely perfect poem

On the brink of the next great adventure we are always perching

We may not have found it yet, but we must continue searching.

Tim D. Culey -2013-


  1. oh yes those Dulcineas...
    well written verse Tim

  2. Have you found your Dulcinea? :)

    1. Can't get past those pesky windmills. Some searhes are the quest themselves. We can always dream of Dulcinea but secretly hope we never actually find her.

  3. Sometimes it's good to be like a Don Quixote and others simply like Sancho Panza. We all need some fiction in our life to make it colourful... Very good write!
