Tuesday, February 5, 2013

News Update

Missing Wallets

by Tim Culey

Special Report to the New Orleans Times Picayune

A late breaking report from the New Orleans Police Department indicates that as of today there have been 35,000 reports of missing wallets among those who attended Sunday's Super Bowl game in the NOLA Superdome.

When asked about this interesting development, Mayor Mitch Landrieu called it "an unfortunate moment" in what he said was an "otherwise shining Super Bowl week" for New Orleans.When asked about the significance of the power being out for 35 minutes and 35,000 wallets reported missing, the Mayor replied, "Just an unfortunate coincidence."

The Mayor also cautioned that the number might increase in the coming days as more people sober up.

Other officials, who asked to remain anonymous declared, "We are glad the power was not out any longer than it was."

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