Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Traveling Man

Frontier Justice



He rode tall in the saddle, he was long and lean

His one vice was a love of travel and adventure

An amiable sort of fellow, not the least bit mean

For all life’s maladies he thought travel the cure



When in the saddle he may end up east or west

Often to be adventurous he traveled north or south

Destination wasn't important, he loved the travel the best

He was a happy go lucky guy, never down in the mouth.



His travel took him to a place previously unexplored

A place where everything he believed was tested

His protestations of innocence went entirely ignored

Before he knew what happened, he had been arrested.



Twelve of his peers were brought into court

Evidence was presented for everyone to see

Upon deliberation it was their duty to report

No verdict was reached, it was a hung journey.





©Tim D. Culey -2012-


  1. well done...hope he rode off into the sunset

  2. Brilliant !! A Happy Go lucky man ..

  3. And as the golden sun sinks slowly in the West, justice was done once again

  4. and so, the young fella continued his adventures...happily ever after!!!!

    Hung jour ney....ha ha ha !

  5. I think I would like to journey like that. Well written.
