Saturday, November 23, 2013

Love and Affection OR Education

In a recent discussion on a social media site it was suggested that it was perfectly fine to be ignorant so long as you had lots of love and affection in your life.

I thought about that and decided that, at least in my case, that didn’t hold true. Even though the Beatles said, “All you need is love” I think there is more to life.

Let me give an example of why I feel that way.

I once owned a Soft Tail Deluxe Harley Davidson, and she certainly was not a “Fatboy.”

I loved that bike more than words can express. Every day I would go into my garage and spend quality time with her. I would stroke her and tell her how much I loved her and how beautiful she was and what a fantastic shape she had. I would hug her and shower her with affection.

It began to occur to me that there could be more to our relationship, so I went to the HDTA (Harley Davidson Training Academy) to see if they could educate me into what I might be missing.

We started out slow. The first thing I learned was how to mount her. OMG, I was in heaven.

But little did I know how much more I had to learn.

The instructor said, “The fun won’t begin until you get her started. There are two ways to approach this. If you are into the rough stuff, you can kick her to get her started. If she doesn’t respond to that method, there is a small button hidden away that when you touch it just right is almost always going to get her started."

I’ve always thought of myself as a gentle sort of human being so I opted for the button. I found it, pressed it gently and lo and behold she started to purr! At this point, I am becoming a real fan of education.

My instructor said, “You’ve reached the point now where you are ready to stick her into gear and release the clutch … but do it very slowly, we don’t want her to buck you off.”

So I entered first gear and she went from purring to moaning. We took a short ride and it was like she could read my mind. If I went fast, she did too, if I went slow, she followed along. When I learned into the curves, she curved around me like a vine.

I deciced to move things up a notch to see what I could learn about 2nd gear. The first thing ithat happened is that the moan became a groan and I began the ride of my life.

I finally opened her wide and she gave me everything she had. The groans became screams and it was all I could do to keep up with her and not fall off.

My teachers had cautioned me that this could not go on indefinitely, so I began to throttle back and gear down. I stroked her fine frame and said, “Just relax a while. Now that I have the education to do this properly, there is nothing holding me back.”

There is a lot to be said for love and affection, but from my viewpoint it is amazing how just a small amount of  education  has changed my life forever.

I learned one more valulable lesson that day, no matter how tempting DO NOT put your tongue anwhere near her manifold AFTER you ride her

(C) Tim D. Culey -2013-