Tuesday, June 11, 2013

To Seek This Week's Creative Challenge

He was the Sheik of the Arabian City of Dammam
Early morning revealed that the Sheik was missing
Perhaps to the Empty Quarter of the desert Dahana
Everything was gone including his Royal Ring
Most of his subjects didn’t much give a damn
Suspicion is it wasn’t his ring they were kissing.

They knew to find him it would take the very best
The call went out to seek assistance from 'Al Auruns'
They didn’t even bother to interview any of the rest.
At last they found Mr. T.E. Lawrence in a bar in Tunis.
It was decided there was no further need of their quest
He was on stage  playing Sheik of Araby on the drums.


It's midnight at the Oasis, so put your camel to bed and sneak off to seek a peek at Creative Challenge


  1. seeking a sheik, try saying that 5 time fast

  2. A very sheiky tale....LOL

  3. I wonder if he then went on to play 'Sheikh, Rattle And Roll' ? :-))

  4. Sort of a cross between Fats Waller and Rudolf Valentino - love that verse
