Friday, October 12, 2012

Breaking News

                                                   Tim D. Culey

In a news conference jsut moments after the Vice-Peidential debate, the Romney campaign has released its latest, latest position on abortion. (Not to be confused by their latest postion of Wednesday or their latest postion of Monday.)

The Romney Campagin wants to make it very clear that we are unilaterally opposed to abortion. We will work hard to repeal Roe v Wade as soon as we get into offce. The only possible exception to this policy will be if the fetus is gay. In cases where the fetus is non-white or female, "most likely" those abortions will be allowed, but we will take it on a case by case basis. Abortions  will always be allowed if the fetus is a Democrat.

There you have it the latest, latest position from the Romney Campaign. Stay tuned tomorrow for the daily update on their latest, latest position on this issue.

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